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Hello everybody my name is Matteo, I’m the eldest of 5 children. I come from a rigorously catholic family. Six years ago, it began a very hard time for me and my family, because my mother fell seriously ill and the doctors couldn’t tell us how many probabilities to survive she had. So we, as very devout as we were, we turned to the saints; we were sure they would have granted our prayers but, unluckily my mother died 3 years later. I was very disappointed and I convinced myself that the saints had no power neither on life, nor on death. I was destroyed, overwhelmed, scared. Three years later, one of my friends wrote me a message on Facebook, asking how I was and asking me if I had overcome the loss of my mother.After a while, he began to tell me about Jesus, about His love; for me it was something absolutely new, and when we talked face to face he invited me to the gatherings, to know more about God.

When I first went in the Church, I was surprised to hear talking about Jesus Christ, and when some verses of the Bible were read, I was touched by the fact that they seemed to reflect my situation. So I began to think about the kind of life I was living.. without God! Every Sunday I began to go to the meetings and I listened to the Word of God with much interest. Some month later, precisely on 26th May, there was a meeting at Dino’s place with Nino Cali’ to read the Bible together. I remember we read the verses who described the love of Jesus for me, the fact that He has died at my place to save me from the eternal damnation.

1 John 1:8-9 “If we claim, “We don’t have any sin,” we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from everything we’ve done wrong.”

For a second, I saw the life I had lived until that moment and I understood that it was a whole lie. So I prayed the Lord to forgive all my sin and I left Him the guide of my life. I felt suddenly freed from a big burden and I cried with joy. Now Jesus is my Saviour and my Lord, I don’t feel lonely anymore, neither afraid, because the Lord has given me courage and strength and He sustains me every day with His love. Now I address everyone who still didn’t experienced the Lord in their lives: do not keep putting the decision off! The Lord is coming back, and if you are not ready, what will happen to you?

Matteo D.